
March 6th 2024

Year 10 & 11 Careers Guidance.

A useful link for careers guidance can be found here: Home | Progress Careers (progress-careers.co.uk)

March 6th 2024

Keeping students safe on WhatsApp.

A useful guide around WhatsApp and keeping children and young people safe whilst using it can be found here: WhatsApp_parent_factsheet.pdf (brook-ashford.kent.sch.uk)

February 27th 2024

Parents Meetings:

Click on the link to go straight to the parents meetings booking form. https://forms.gle/DcgdhhLhCteiXPix9

January 22nd 2024


We have had reports of a couple of students in the area having headlice. Please check your son/daughter to see if they have any or not. If they do, please do not send them in. For advice, use the following link: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/head-lice-and-nits/

January 3rd 2024

Phones, vaping, smoking, searching and screening:

We have updated the way in which we operate around searching and screening. As of January 2024, phones will kept securely locked away. Any vapes or cigarettes will be confiscated and/or destroyed. For more information, see the policies section for:

Searching, Screening and Confiscation Policy & Smoking and Vaping Policy.